a delicious .NET graph library
Satsuma.ArcLookupExtensions | Extension methods for IArcLookup |
Satsuma.AStar | Uses the A* search algorithm to find cheapest paths in a graph |
Satsuma.BellmanFord | Finds cheapest paths in a graph from a set of source nodes to all nodes, or a negative cycle reachable from the sources |
Satsuma.Bfs | Performs a breadth-first search (BFS) to find shortest paths from a set of source nodes to all nodes |
Satsuma.BiEdgeConnectedComponents | Finds the bridges and 2-edge-connected components in a graph |
Satsuma.BiNodeConnectedComponents | Finds the cutvertices and blocks (2-node-connected components) of a graph |
Satsuma.Bipartition | Decides whether the graph is bipartite and finds a bipartition into red and blue nodes |
Satsuma.ConnectedComponents | Finds the connected components of a graph |
Satsuma.Dfs | Performs a customizable depth-first search (DFS) |
Satsuma.Dijkstra | Uses Dijkstra's algorithm to find cheapest paths in a graph |
Satsuma.FindPathExtensions | Extension methods for IGraph, for finding paths |
Satsuma.Drawing.ForceDirectedLayout | Attempts to draw a graph to the plane such that a certain equilibrium is attained |
Satsuma.Drawing.GraphDrawer | Draws a graph on a Graphics |
Satsuma.IO.GraphML.GraphMLFormat | Loads and saves graphs stored in GraphML format |
Satsuma.IO.GraphML.GraphMLProperty | Represents a GraphML property (or attribute) |
Satsuma.IO.GraphML.DictionaryProperty< T > | A property which can store values in a dictionary |
Satsuma.IO.GraphML.NodeGraphicsProperty | A GraphML property describing the visual appearance of the nodes |
Satsuma.IO.GraphML.StandardProperty< T > | Represents a standard GraphML property (attribute), which may assign primitive values to objects |
Satsuma.HamiltonianCycle | Attempts to find a (directed) Hamiltonian cycle in a graph using TSP solvers |
Satsuma.IArcLookup | A graph which can provide information about its arcs |
Satsuma.IGraph | Interface to a read-only graph |
Satsuma.CompleteBipartiteGraph | A complete bipartite graph on a given number of nodes |
Satsuma.CompleteGraph | A complete undirected or directed graph on a given number of nodes |
Satsuma.ContractedGraph | Adaptor for identifying some nodes of an underlying graph |
Satsuma.IMatching | Interface to a read-only matching |
Satsuma.Matching | Adaptor for storing a matching of an underlying graph |
Satsuma.IPath | Interface to a read-only path |
Satsuma.Path | Adaptor for storing a path of an underlying graph |
Satsuma.PathGraph | A path or cycle graph on a given number of nodes |
Satsuma.RedirectedGraph | Adaptor for modifying the direction of some arcs of an underlying graph |
Satsuma.ReverseGraph | Adaptor for reversing all arcs of an underlying graph |
Satsuma.Subgraph | Adaptor for hiding/showing nodes/arcs of an underlying graph |
Satsuma.Supergraph | Adaptor for adding nodes/arcs to an underlying graph |
Satsuma.CustomGraph | A graph implementation capable of storing any graph |
Satsuma.UndirectedGraph | Adaptor showing all arcs of an underlying graph as undirected edges |
Satsuma.IClearable | Interface for objects which can revert their state to default |
Satsuma.IBuildableGraph | A graph which can build new nodes and arcs |
Satsuma.Supergraph | Adaptor for adding nodes/arcs to an underlying graph |
Satsuma.IDestroyableGraph | A graph which can destroy its nodes and arcs |
Satsuma.Supergraph | Adaptor for adding nodes/arcs to an underlying graph |
Satsuma.IDisjointSet< T > | Interface to a disjoint-set data structure |
Satsuma.DisjointSet< T > | Implementation of the disjoint-set data structure |
Satsuma.IO.GraphML.DictionaryProperty< T > | A property which can store values in a dictionary |
Satsuma.IPriorityQueue< TElement, TPriority > | Interface to a priority queue which does not allow duplicate elements |
Satsuma.PriorityQueue< TElement, TPriority > | A heap-based no-duplicates priority queue implementation |
Satsuma.Matching | Adaptor for storing a matching of an underlying graph |
Satsuma.MaximumMatching | Finds a maximum matching in a bipartite graph using the alternating path algorithm |
Satsuma.NetworkSimplex | Finds a minimum cost feasible circulation using the network simplex method |
Satsuma.Path | Adaptor for storing a path of an underlying graph |
IEquatable< Arc > | |
Satsuma.Arc | Represents a graph arc, consisting of a wrapped Id |
IEquatable< DisjointSetSet< T >> | |
Satsuma.DisjointSetSet< T > | Represents a set in the DisjointSet data structure |
IEquatable< Node > | |
Satsuma.Node | Represents a graph node, consisting of a wrapped Id |
IEquatable< PointD > | |
Satsuma.Drawing.PointD | An immutable point whose coordinates are double |
Satsuma.IFlow< TCapacity > | Interface to a flow in a network |
Satsuma.IntegerPreflow | Finds a maximum flow for integer capacities using the Goldberg-Tarjan preflow algorithm |
Satsuma.Preflow | Finds a maximum flow using the Goldberg-Tarjan preflow algorithm |
Satsuma.Drawing.INodeShape | Abstract base for shapes used to draw graph nodes |
Satsuma.Drawing.NodeShape | A standard implementation of INodeShape (immutable) |
Satsuma.IReadOnlyDisjointSet< T > | Interface to a read-only disjoint-set data structure |
Satsuma.IDisjointSet< T > | Interface to a disjoint-set data structure |
Satsuma.IReadOnlyPriorityQueue< TElement, TPriority > | Interface to a read-only priority queue |
Satsuma.IPriorityQueue< TElement, TPriority > | Interface to a priority queue which does not allow duplicate elements |
Satsuma.ITsp< TNode > | Interface to TSP solvers |
Satsuma.CheapestLinkTsp< TNode > | Solves the symmetric traveling salesman problem by using the cheapest link heuristic |
Satsuma.InsertionTsp< TNode > | Solves the traveling salesman problem by using the insertion heuristic |
Satsuma.Opt2Tsp< TNode > | Improves a solution for the traveling salesman problem by using the 2-OPT method |
Satsuma.Kruskal< TCost > | Finds a minimum cost spanning forest in a graph using Kruskal's algorithm |
Satsuma.IO.LemonGraphFormat | Loads and saves graphs stored in the Lemon Graph Format |
Satsuma.MinimumCostMatching | Finds a minimum cost matching in a bipartite graph using the network simplex method |
Satsuma.IO.GraphML.NodeGraphics | The visual appearance of a GraphML node |
Satsuma.Drawing.NodeStyle | The visual style for a drawn node |
Satsuma.PathExtensions | Extension methods to IPath |
Satsuma.Prim< TCost > | Finds a minimum cost spanning forest in a graph using Prim's algorithm |
Satsuma.IO.SimpleGraphFormat | Loads and saves graphs which are stored in a very simple format |
Satsuma.StrongComponents | Finds the strongly connected components of a digraph |
Satsuma.TopologicalOrder | Decides whether a digraph is acyclic and finds a topological order of its nodes |
Satsuma.TspUtils | Utilities regarding the traveling salesman problem |