a delicious .NET graph library
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 |oCForceDirectedLayoutAttempts to draw a graph to the plane such that a certain equilibrium is attained
 |oCGraphDrawerDraws a graph on a Graphics
 |oCINodeShapeAbstract base for shapes used to draw graph nodes
 |oCNodeShapeA standard implementation of INodeShape (immutable)
 |oCNodeStyleThe visual style for a drawn node
 |\CPointDAn immutable point whose coordinates are double
 ||oCDictionaryProperty< T >A property which can store values in a dictionary
 ||oCGraphMLFormatLoads and saves graphs stored in GraphML format
 ||oCGraphMLPropertyRepresents a GraphML property (or attribute)
 ||oCNodeGraphicsThe visual appearance of a GraphML node
 ||oCNodeGraphicsPropertyA GraphML property describing the visual appearance of the nodes
 ||\CStandardProperty< T >Represents a standard GraphML property (attribute), which may assign primitive values to objects
 |oCLemonGraphFormatLoads and saves graphs stored in the Lemon Graph Format
 |\CSimpleGraphFormatLoads and saves graphs which are stored in a very simple format
 oCArcRepresents a graph arc, consisting of a wrapped Id
 oCArcLookupExtensionsExtension methods for IArcLookup
 oCAStarUses the A* search algorithm to find cheapest paths in a graph
 oCBellmanFordFinds cheapest paths in a graph from a set of source nodes to all nodes, or a negative cycle reachable from the sources
 oCBfsPerforms a breadth-first search (BFS) to find shortest paths from a set of source nodes to all nodes
 oCBiEdgeConnectedComponentsFinds the bridges and 2-edge-connected components in a graph
 oCBiNodeConnectedComponentsFinds the cutvertices and blocks (2-node-connected components) of a graph
 oCBipartitionDecides whether the graph is bipartite and finds a bipartition into red and blue nodes
 oCCheapestLinkTsp< TNode >Solves the symmetric traveling salesman problem by using the cheapest link heuristic
 oCCompleteBipartiteGraphA complete bipartite graph on a given number of nodes
 oCCompleteGraphA complete undirected or directed graph on a given number of nodes
 oCConnectedComponentsFinds the connected components of a graph
 oCContractedGraphAdaptor for identifying some nodes of an underlying graph
 oCCustomGraphA graph implementation capable of storing any graph
 oCDfsPerforms a customizable depth-first search (DFS)
 oCDijkstraUses Dijkstra's algorithm to find cheapest paths in a graph
 oCDisjointSet< T >Implementation of the disjoint-set data structure
 oCDisjointSetSet< T >Represents a set in the DisjointSet data structure
 oCFindPathExtensionsExtension methods for IGraph, for finding paths
 oCHamiltonianCycleAttempts to find a (directed) Hamiltonian cycle in a graph using TSP solvers
 oCIArcLookupA graph which can provide information about its arcs
 oCIBuildableGraphA graph which can build new nodes and arcs
 oCIClearableInterface for objects which can revert their state to default
 oCIDestroyableGraphA graph which can destroy its nodes and arcs
 oCIDisjointSet< T >Interface to a disjoint-set data structure
 oCIFlow< TCapacity >Interface to a flow in a network
 oCIGraphInterface to a read-only graph
 oCIMatchingInterface to a read-only matching
 oCInsertionTsp< TNode >Solves the traveling salesman problem by using the insertion heuristic
 oCIntegerPreflowFinds a maximum flow for integer capacities using the Goldberg-Tarjan preflow algorithm
 oCIPathInterface to a read-only path
 oCIPriorityQueue< TElement, TPriority >Interface to a priority queue which does not allow duplicate elements
 oCIReadOnlyDisjointSet< T >Interface to a read-only disjoint-set data structure
 oCIReadOnlyPriorityQueue< TElement, TPriority >Interface to a read-only priority queue
 oCITsp< TNode >Interface to TSP solvers
 oCKruskal< TCost >Finds a minimum cost spanning forest in a graph using Kruskal's algorithm
 oCMatchingAdaptor for storing a matching of an underlying graph
 oCMaximumMatchingFinds a maximum matching in a bipartite graph using the alternating path algorithm
 oCMinimumCostMatchingFinds a minimum cost matching in a bipartite graph using the network simplex method
 oCNetworkSimplexFinds a minimum cost feasible circulation using the network simplex method
 oCNodeRepresents a graph node, consisting of a wrapped Id
 oCOpt2Tsp< TNode >Improves a solution for the traveling salesman problem by using the 2-OPT method
 oCPathAdaptor for storing a path of an underlying graph
 oCPathExtensionsExtension methods to IPath
 oCPathGraphA path or cycle graph on a given number of nodes
 oCPreflowFinds a maximum flow using the Goldberg-Tarjan preflow algorithm
 oCPrim< TCost >Finds a minimum cost spanning forest in a graph using Prim's algorithm
 oCPriorityQueue< TElement, TPriority >A heap-based no-duplicates priority queue implementation
 oCRedirectedGraphAdaptor for modifying the direction of some arcs of an underlying graph
 oCReverseGraphAdaptor for reversing all arcs of an underlying graph
 oCStrongComponentsFinds the strongly connected components of a digraph
 oCSubgraphAdaptor for hiding/showing nodes/arcs of an underlying graph
 oCSupergraphAdaptor for adding nodes/arcs to an underlying graph
 oCTopologicalOrderDecides whether a digraph is acyclic and finds a topological order of its nodes
 oCTspUtilsUtilities regarding the traveling salesman problem
 \CUndirectedGraphAdaptor showing all arcs of an underlying graph as undirected edges