a delicious .NET graph library
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1 #region License
2 /*This file is part of Satsuma Graph Library
3 Copyright © 2013 Balázs Szalkai
5 This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
6 warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
7 arising from the use of this software.
9 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
10 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
11 freely, subject to the following restrictions:
13  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
14  claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
15  in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
16  appreciated but is not required.
18  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
19  misrepresented as being the original software.
21  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
22  distribution.*/
23 #endregion
25 using System;
26 using System.Collections.Generic;
27 using System.Linq;
29 namespace Satsuma
30 {
32  public static class TspUtils
33  {
38  public static double GetTourCost<TNode>(IEnumerable<TNode> tour, Func<TNode, TNode, double> cost)
39  {
40  double result = 0;
41  if (tour.Any())
42  {
43  TNode prev = tour.First();
44  foreach (var node in tour.Skip(1))
45  {
46  result += cost(prev, node);
47  prev = node;
48  }
49  }
50  return result;
51  }
52  }
56  public interface ITsp<TNode>
57  {
60  IEnumerable<TNode> Tour { get; }
62  double TourCost { get; }
63  }
71  public sealed class CheapestLinkTsp<TNode> : ITsp<TNode>
72  {
75  public IList<TNode> Nodes { get; private set; }
77  public Func<TNode, TNode, double> Cost { get; private set; }
79  private List<TNode> tour;
80  public IEnumerable<TNode> Tour { get { return tour; } }
81  public double TourCost { get; private set; }
83  public CheapestLinkTsp(IList<TNode> nodes, Func<TNode, TNode, double> cost)
84  {
85  Nodes = nodes;
86  Cost = cost;
87  tour = new List<TNode>();
89  Run();
90  }
92  private void Run()
93  {
94  // create a complete graph and run Kruskal with maximum degree constraint 2
95  CompleteGraph graph = new CompleteGraph(Nodes.Count, Directedness.Undirected);
96  Func<Arc, double> arcCost = (arc => Cost(Nodes[graph.GetNodeIndex(graph.U(arc))],
97  Nodes[graph.GetNodeIndex(graph.V(arc))]));
98  Kruskal<double> kruskal = new Kruskal<double>(graph, arcCost, _ => 2);
99  kruskal.Run();
101  Dictionary<Node, Arc> firstArc = new Dictionary<Node, Arc>();
102  Dictionary<Node, Arc> secondArc = new Dictionary<Node, Arc>();
103  foreach (var arc in kruskal.Forest)
104  {
105  var u = graph.U(arc);
106  (firstArc.ContainsKey(u) ? secondArc : firstArc)[u] = arc;
107  var v = graph.V(arc);
108  (firstArc.ContainsKey(v) ? secondArc : firstArc)[v] = arc;
109  }
111  foreach (var startNode in graph.Nodes())
112  {
113  if (kruskal.Degree[startNode] == 1)
114  {
115  Arc prevArc = Arc.Invalid;
116  Node n = startNode;
117  while (true)
118  {
119  tour.Add(Nodes[graph.GetNodeIndex(n)]);
120  if (prevArc != Arc.Invalid && kruskal.Degree[n] == 1) break;
121  Arc arc1 = firstArc[n];
122  prevArc = (arc1 != prevArc ? arc1 : secondArc[n]);
123  n = graph.Other(prevArc, n);
124  }
125  tour.Add(Nodes[graph.GetNodeIndex(startNode)]);
126  break;
127  }
128  }
130  TourCost = TspUtils.GetTourCost(tour, Cost);
131  }
132  }
135  public enum TspSelectionRule
136  {
138  Nearest,
140  Farthest
141  }
148  public sealed class InsertionTsp<TNode> : ITsp<TNode>
149  {
151  public IEnumerable<TNode> Nodes { get; private set; }
153  public Func<TNode, TNode, double> Cost { get; private set; }
155  public TspSelectionRule SelectionRule { get; private set; }
157  private LinkedList<TNode> tour;
159  private Dictionary<TNode, LinkedListNode<TNode>> tourNodes;
161  private HashSet<TNode> insertableNodes;
163  private PriorityQueue<TNode, double> insertableNodeQueue;
165  // \copydoc ITsp<TNode>.Tour TODO this does not work in doxygen yet
169  public IEnumerable<TNode> Tour { get { return tour; } }
170  public double TourCost { get; private set; }
172  public InsertionTsp(IEnumerable<TNode> nodes, Func<TNode, TNode, double> cost,
173  TspSelectionRule selectionRule = TspSelectionRule.Farthest)
174  {
175  Nodes = nodes;
176  Cost = cost;
177  SelectionRule = selectionRule;
179  tour = new LinkedList<TNode>();
180  tourNodes = new Dictionary<TNode,LinkedListNode<TNode>>();
181  insertableNodes = new HashSet<TNode>();
182  insertableNodeQueue = new PriorityQueue<TNode, double>();
184  Clear();
185  }
187  private double PriorityFromCost(double c)
188  {
189  switch (SelectionRule)
190  {
191  case TspSelectionRule.Farthest: return -c;
192  default: return c;
193  }
194  }
197  public void Clear()
198  {
199  tour.Clear();
200  TourCost = 0;
201  tourNodes.Clear();
202  insertableNodes.Clear();
203  insertableNodeQueue.Clear();
205  if (Nodes.Any())
206  {
207  TNode startNode = Nodes.First();
208  tour.AddFirst(startNode);
209  tourNodes[startNode] = tour.AddFirst(startNode);
210  foreach (var node in Nodes)
211  if (!node.Equals(startNode))
212  {
213  insertableNodes.Add(node);
214  insertableNodeQueue[node] = PriorityFromCost(Cost(startNode, node));
215  }
216  }
217  }
221  public bool Insert(TNode node)
222  {
223  if (!insertableNodes.Contains(node)) return false;
224  insertableNodes.Remove(node);
225  insertableNodeQueue.Remove(node);
227  // find the optimal insertion place
228  LinkedListNode<TNode> insertAfter = null;
229  double bestIncrease = double.PositiveInfinity;
230  for (var llnode = tour.First; llnode != tour.Last; llnode = llnode.Next)
231  {
232  var llnode2 = llnode.Next;
233  double increase = Cost(llnode.Value, node) + Cost(node, llnode2.Value);
234  if (llnode != llnode2) increase -= Cost(llnode.Value, llnode2.Value);
235  if (increase < bestIncrease)
236  {
237  bestIncrease = increase;
238  insertAfter = llnode;
239  }
240  }
242  LinkedListNode<TNode> llnodeNew = tourNodes[node] = tour.AddAfter(insertAfter, node);
243  TourCost += bestIncrease;
245  // update distances
246  foreach (var n in insertableNodes)
247  {
248  double newPriority = PriorityFromCost(Cost(node, n));
249  if (newPriority < insertableNodeQueue[n]) insertableNodeQueue[n] = newPriority;
250  }
252  return true;
253  }
257  public bool Insert()
258  {
259  if (insertableNodes.Count == 0) return false;
260  Insert(insertableNodeQueue.Peek());
261  return true;
262  }
265  public void Run()
266  {
267  while (Insert()) ;
268  }
269  }
276  public sealed class Opt2Tsp<TNode> : ITsp<TNode>
277  {
279  public Func<TNode, TNode, double> Cost { get; private set; }
281  private List<TNode> tour;
283  public IEnumerable<TNode> Tour { get { return tour; } }
284  public double TourCost { get; private set; }
291  public Opt2Tsp(Func<TNode, TNode, double> cost, IEnumerable<TNode> tour, double? tourCost)
292  {
293  Cost = cost;
294  this.tour = tour.ToList();
295  TourCost = tourCost ?? TspUtils.GetTourCost(tour, cost);
296  }
300  public bool Step()
301  {
302  bool improved = false;
303  for (int i = 0; i < tour.Count-3; i++) // first arc
304  {
305  for (int j = i + 2, jmax = tour.Count - (i == 0 ? 2 : 1); j < jmax; j++) // second arc
306  {
307  double increase = Cost(tour[i], tour[j]) + Cost(tour[i+1], tour[j+1]) -
308  (Cost(tour[i], tour[i+1]) + Cost(tour[j], tour[j+1]));
309  if (increase < 0)
310  {
311  TourCost += increase;
312  tour.Reverse(i + 1, j - i);
313  improved = true;
314  }
315  }
316  }
317  return improved;
318  }
321  public void Run()
322  {
323  while (Step()) ;
324  }
325  }
334  public sealed class HamiltonianCycle
335  {
337  public IGraph Graph { get; private set; }
341  public IPath Cycle { get; private set; }
343  public HamiltonianCycle(IGraph graph)
344  {
345  Graph = graph;
346  Cycle = null;
348  Run();
349  }
351  private void Run()
352  {
353  Func<Node, Node, double> cost = (u, v) => (Graph.Arcs(u, v, ArcFilter.Forward).Any() ? 1 : 10);
354  IEnumerable<Node> tour = null;
355  double minimumTourCost = Graph.NodeCount();
357  // Use the insertion tsp combined with 2-OPT heuristic.
358  InsertionTsp<Node> insertionTsp = new InsertionTsp<Node>(Graph.Nodes(), cost);
359  insertionTsp.Run();
360  if (insertionTsp.TourCost == minimumTourCost) tour = insertionTsp.Tour;
361  else
362  {
363  Opt2Tsp<Node> opt2Tsp = new Opt2Tsp<Node>(cost, insertionTsp.Tour, insertionTsp.TourCost);
364  opt2Tsp.Run();
365  if (opt2Tsp.TourCost == minimumTourCost) tour = opt2Tsp.Tour;
366  }
368  // convert the tour (node sequence) into a path (arc sequence connecting two nodes)
369  if (tour == null) Cycle = null;
370  else
371  {
372  var cycle = new Path(Graph);
373  if (tour.Any())
374  {
375  Node prev = Node.Invalid;
376  foreach (var n in tour)
377  {
378  if (prev == Node.Invalid) cycle.Begin(n);
379  else cycle.AddLast(Graph.Arcs(prev, n, ArcFilter.Forward).First());
381  prev = n;
382  }
383  cycle.AddLast(Graph.Arcs(prev, tour.First(), ArcFilter.Forward).First());
384  } // if tour is not empty
385  Cycle = cycle;
386  }
387  }
388  }
389 }